NuSeis technology has been in use on 2D, 3D, and 4D earth imaging applications for oil and gas exploration and development for over 5 years, in 15 countries, and on 5 continents.  NuSeis earth imaging enables responsible and essential guidance for oil and natural gas discovery and extraction.

The GTI leadership team consists of geoscience professionals that have held senior operations management and geophysical technology management roles in the largest and leading geophysical service companies for over three decades.  We engineer and manufacture the best autonomous nodal seismic technology and we deliver it to market through an exceptional service and support team.  NuSeis de-risks your project execution by delivering peak operational efficiency, high quality data, timely executions, driving successful E&P outcomes.

The GTI team is ready to help you develop a seismic operationally plan to use one or more of our NuSeis transformer products, to deliver successful and responsible seismic program execution in all terrains, and in any location.

GTI’s NuSeis™, available for sale or for lease, is the lowest “total cost of ownership” high quality nodal seismic technology in the market. Contact us now and become a NuSeis Champion!

We offer incentives to NuSeis Champions that bring us seismic opportunities that result in successful commercial NuSeis product leases and sales.  If you know of an upcoming project, anywhere on the planet, please contact us!  Make NuSeis YourSeis!

Nuseis node in the ground 
Underground node 